Rejoice shoe lovers! This post will hopefully find you interested and inspired. For 'tis devoted to the elegantly sculpted and tastefully bejeweled creations of Roger Vivier - the father of the beloved stilleto heel. If you have not yet done so, make your way to the Bata Shoe Museum for it holds the treasure beyond all your imaginings - Roger Vivier: Process to Perfection Exhibit.
While such pathos might sound slightly overboard for those less enthusiastic about shoe fashion history, this fashion designer who specialized in shoe making and worked with Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent did make some very noteworthy shoe history. Without revealing too much about the exhibit I will only point out two of my favourite styles Vivier invented.
One - the choc heel:
Two - the comma heel:
Both of these styles are present in multiple design variations at the exhibit.

While you do have until April 7 2013 to enjoy this exhibition, I would recommend to not procrastinate and go think "inside the shoe box" (I am referring to the architectural structure of Bata, in case you did not know). The most keen of museum-goers and fashion history-lovers might be interested in taking a look at this additional brochure outlining the Lecture and Movie Series offered at the Bata Shoe Museum in connection with this magnificent exhibit.
“To wear dreams on one’s feet is to begin to
give a reality to one’s dreams.”
-Roger Vivier
P.S. Oh and if you are lucky enough, on paying your admission to the museum you will receive a 2-for-1 admission to another city museum, one of which is DX - Design Exchange. Their current exhibition is even more exciting! A full report to follow. Stay tuned!